Dental implants are a modern, permanent solution to missing teeth. They can last for 30 years or more and have a 90-95% success rate over 10 years. Living with missing teeth can adversely affect digestion and speech, not to mention loss of self-esteem. Dental implants solve all the problems associated with missing teeth and require no more maintenance than regular brushing and flossing. Two Types of Dental Implants There are two main types of dental implants. A single implant is used to replace one tooth. But what if you have several missing teeth or want to replace a set of dentures or a bridge with tooth implants? All-on-4, 5, or 6 dental implants replace many teeth without the need for individual implants for every tooth. These types of dental implants are used like permanent versions of dentures and dental bridges. We’ll explain the different applications for the two main types of dental implants so you can make an educated decision about which type would be best for you. Elements of a Single Dental Implant The single dental implant consists of a titanium threaded implant that serves as the new tooth’s root and is screwed into your jaw. The tissue around the implant can heal for three to four months, although a bone graft may be required to increase the bone mass of the jaw holding the implant, which can lengthen the healing time. Once the jaw is healed, an abutment is attached to the end, and a crown resembling the surrounding teeth is attached to the abutment. The abutment between the implant and the crown serves as a failsafe device. If the crown becomes damaged and needs to be replaced, it can be detached at the abutment, and the implant in the jawbone can remain in place. Elements of an