A model of a dental implant, abutment, and crown

Fixed Bridges vs. Dental Implants

Nowadays, people generally have two options when they need to replace one or more missing teeth: a fixed bridge or a dental implant. We’ll explain both of these options in detail, as well as list the pros and cons of each, so you can make an educated decision on which option is better for your particular case and lifestyle.

A dental implant, abutment and crown.

The Different Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a modern, permanent solution to missing teeth. They can last for 30 years or more and have a 90-95% success rate over 10 years. Living with missing teeth can adversely affect digestion and speech, not to mention loss of self-esteem. Dental implants solve all the problems associated with missing teeth and require no more maintenance than regular brushing and flossing. Two Types of Dental Implants There are two main types of dental implants. A single implant is used to replace one tooth. But what if you have several missing teeth or want to replace a set of dentures or a bridge with tooth implants? All-on-4, 5, or 6 dental implants replace many teeth without the need for individual implants for every tooth. These types of dental implants are used like permanent versions of dentures and dental bridges. We’ll explain the different applications for the two main types of dental implants so you can make an educated decision about which type would be best for you. Elements of a Single Dental Implant The single dental implant consists of a titanium threaded implant that serves as the new tooth’s root and is screwed into your jaw. The tissue around the implant can heal for three to four months, although a bone graft may be required to increase the bone mass of the jaw holding the implant, which can lengthen the healing time. Once the jaw is healed, an abutment is attached to the end, and a crown resembling the surrounding teeth is attached to the abutment. The abutment between the implant and the crown serves as a failsafe device. If the crown becomes damaged and needs to be replaced, it can be detached at the abutment, and the implant in the jawbone can remain in place. Elements of an

Invisalign offers a welcome alternative to braces

How Should I Be Preparing for Invisalign Aligners?

The Invisalign system is a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligners that you simply wear over your teeth. Over time, the series of aligners gently force your teeth into alignment. Wearing Invisalign aligners instead of traditional braces allows you to easily remove the aligners when you need to, such as for meals or when brushing or flossing your teeth. The clear plastic is often preferred over traditional metal braces as it’s more subtle and less noticeable. At About Tooth Dental Clinic, we offer Invisalign. We’re experienced in providing Invisalign aligners that will give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Read on to discover our top tips to help you prepare for your Invisalign aligners. How Does Invisalign Work? Invisalign works on the same principle that traditional braces do. Over time, they both apply gentle pressure to force your teeth into alignment. The difference is that traditional braces cannot be removed. The braces are cemented onto your teeth. The horizontal wire band that forces your teeth into alignment is attached to the individual braces and can only be removed by your orthodontist. In contrast, the clear plastic Invisalign aligners can easily be removed. They simply fit over your teeth without any mechanisms or adhesives. A series of aligners will be custom-made for you, starting with an aligner that mirrors the current position of your teeth. The final aligner will show the final desired position of your teeth. The aligners you wear during your treatment will slowly and gently nudge your smile into that final alignment position. Tips for Preparing for Invisalign Aligners The first step in the process is a thorough assessment of your teeth and bite to determine if Invisalign is right for your needs. Your orthodontist or dentist will schedule an appointment. If they decide that the aligners

Pros and Cons of Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign aligners have become the most popular alternative to traditional braces. While wearing them has some downsides, there’s no doubt that Invisalign aligners have taken the world by storm. We’ll offer a factual appraisal of the pros and cons of Invisalign aligners, so you can decide for yourself if they’ll provide the dental results you need while also offering the best fit for your lifestyle. Many Pros of Wearing Invisalign Aligners As shown by their skyrocketing popularity, more people are choosing to have their teeth straightened by Invisalign. They appreciate the many benefits and freedoms that Invisalign presents. Nicer Smile Invisalign undoubtedly attracted many users by the presentability of the aligners, particularly among adult users. Braces have a reputation for being for children and young people. Before the creation of Invisalign, many adults would hesitate to have their teeth straightened for this reason. With Invisalign, they can wear the aligners and smile with confidence. More Comfortable It’s more comfortable to wear soft plastic than hard metal. The plastic isn’t chafing against the back of your lips and gums like metal braces can. The removable aspect of Invisalign also means that you can easily remove them at any time. Limitations of Invisalign Invisalign may offer limitations for straightening severe tooth problems. Braces are working all the time. The wire bands are very effective at slowly bringing severely crooked teeth into alignment. If you have teeth that require a significant amount of straightening, you may want to consider braces over Invisalign. Being less effective than braces for some people also means that you may have to wear aligners for a more extended overall treatment period. If your teeth straightening needs are relatively simple, expect to wear Invisalign aligners 22 hours a day for up to 12 months. The more hours per day

Having braces is a proven way of straightening teeth.

Invisalign Pros and Cons

More and more people are choosing to have their teeth straightened as adults. They admire the perfect smiles of others who’ve had their teeth straightened, and want to enjoy that same level of confidence. When they visit a dental clinic to learn more about tooth straightening, they find they have a choice of methods these days. They can either choose to wear traditional metal braces, or an Invisalign package. We’ll look at the pros and cons of traditional braces and the Invisalign system, so you can make an informed choice. There’s also a price difference between Invisalign vs braces. We’ll explain why Invisalign may seem to be so expensive over the cost of traditional braces. Concept of Tooth Straightening The time it takes to straighten your teeth varies according to how out of alignment your teeth are. The further out of alignment, the longer it takes to align them and give you a perfect smile. Invisalign systems slowly move your teeth into alignment. The reason for a system of multiple aligners is that as your teeth start to straighten, the aligner must be changed to fit properly and continue the straightening process. Invisalign changes the shape of the aligners throughout the course of treatment. For most people, treatment takes 6 months to 2 years to complete. For many people, having their teeth straightened solves a lot more problems than just having a nicer smile. Many people face tooth decay problems with teeth that are overlapping. Food can get stuck in the areas that are overlapping and be difficult or impossible to keep clean. By straightening the teeth, orthodontists make it easier to practice good dental hygiene. Badly misaligned teeth can also cause significant jaw and neck problems and nagging pain. Straightening the teeth can be like a breath of fresh